
Warm up:

  • Dynamic movement
  • hip circle walks x50ft (forward, backward, lateral)
  • band tears x25 each (pronated/supinated)

Core work: 3 rounds

  • split stance cable chop press x10 each
  • hollow hold to tuck x15
  • reverse plank x30-45seconds *weighted used 10-30lbs if able

Conditioning: 30 seconds of work / 30 seconds of rest x8-10mins

  • Ski erg (may use rower or bike if don't have ski erg)
  • Heavy ball or sandbag over shoulder (alternate R/L each rep)
  • Plate halo + rotational press (alternate R/L each rep)

Cool down:

  • 15-30x shoulder around the world
  • Foam roll - low back, thoracic, lats, hamstrings, quads, calves.
  • Bretzel stretch x2mins each side
Karli DavisComment