How Podcasts changed my life and could change yours
“If you can change your perspective, you can change your whole life.” I don’t know who said that but it couldn’t be any more true. This is why experience and change is so vital in this thing we call life. I truly believe life is about progress, a constant evolution of who you were and who you’re becoming. I’ve made it a point every single day to do something for myself, my health, whether thats working out, reading a couple pages or even 1 paragraph out of a book, getting my ass kicked in Jiu Jitsu practice, or simply stretching/moving around my living room. Of course, some days are more productive than others and some days I barely get a thing done it seems, but the intent is there, the change in my daily perspective of whats important and worth doing is the win. The small disciplines of literally stretching for 2mins or reading 1 paragraph out of my favorite book as I am on my way out the door, compound over time to create major positive permanent changes in my character.
I don’t know what I used to believe what life was about or if I ever even thought that deep into it. I didn’t have a purpose, passion, or even happiness. I was depressed, lost, confused, and even though I have an amazing family and group of friends, this was something I didn’t feel comfortable talking to any one about, so how was it ever going to get better? I remember a podcast being on in the background at a friends house, at the time, I had no idea what a podcast even was, but I do remember being captivated by the conversation. I didn’t know who the people were talking, it was a live conversation with no editing, commercial interruptions, or censoring. For almost 2 hours I was able to hear two complete strangers discuss their personal struggles in life and the positive tools they have discovered to deal with past, present, and future problems. This was mind opening for a multitude of reasons, the first being, I had never in my (at the time) 25 years of existence have heard grown adults have open, honest, and transparent discussions about deeper meanings of life with no other intent than trying to understand the other and see how their individual burdens, while different, weigh the same. The second was the mind blowing realization that this content not only exists but that there are literally millions of podcasts, for free, with all different people, all different topics, all different points of view and different perspectives on the world and life, and I can watch/listen to any of it any time I want.
Listening to other people have an epic mind opening conversation where both parties learn and contribute, only makes you want to have those same conversations with someone. Having the opportunity to listen to people discuss, not debate, was refreshing and left me with a positive personal epiphany that I wanted to work on my own communication skills. I wanted to have more open conversations about deeper meanings of life and because of that, I had to begin thinking about my own life and what I truly thought of it. I think that moment in time, me being at my friends house, randomly picking up on the background noise, that it was a specific conversation that grabbed my attention and resinated with me on a personal level so I continued to listen and wanted to listen more, I believe that was a seed planted in my consciousness that since then has been watered by millions of other perspective changing conversations resulting in me blossoming with new ideas, energy, faith, and inspiration to begin making a positive change for myself.
So maybe there’s a topic that interests you, maybe there’s someone you admire and wish to have more of their characteristics, do a quick google search for a podcast about it or with that person. That podcast will inevitably lead you to another podcast, or book, or documentary, or blog, something or someone positive that can assist with guidance and different methods for solutions for all of life’s problems that we will all inevitably endure.
Here are some of my personal favorite podcasts in no particular order
Joe Rogan Experience
Pirate Life Radio w/ Tait Fletcher
Onnit Human Optimization Hour w/ Kyle Kingsburry
Aubrey Marcus Podcast
Strong Life Podcast w/ Zach Even-Esh
This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von
Start there if you don’t know where to begin.
Health & Happiness