3 ways I fought/fight depression
I now know I will always have depressive thoughts at times. Just like I will occasionally wake up on the "wrong side of the bed." But being able to separate myself from my emotions was an incredibly powerful perspective shift. I am not depression, I may be having depressive thoughts, but I am not that one singular emotion, I'm Karli! There's so many more aspects to my character than my depressive thoughts. Being depressed is just one emotion, like joy, anger, love, happiness, etc.
Another powerful perspective change is the understanding that I am not my thoughts, and I can choose to observe my thoughts and hold on to the ones I like and consistantly let the ones I don't like just keep passing. I don't have to dissect and pay my full attention to every thought that pops in my head.
And possibly the most important realization of all, if I don't have control of my mind, who does? ME, only me, of course me! Remind yourself, its empowering! I have to remind myself constantly.
In fact, my negative mind almost made me erase this entire blog post. See, thats how fear, depression, evil, negativity, (whatever you want to call it) works. It creeps in when you're doing something productive and tells you to stop, you're not good enough, you're stupid, no one cares, blah blah blah! That voice isn't me! that voice is my enemy and I should talk to it as such, so I told that voice to shut the fuck up, and I continued writing in hopes that it'll help even one person who reads it. And as a way to say fuck you to that negative voice that told me to delete it.